Introducing Serve: now with gemmi goodness!
John Long
Based on my HAML server for web designers article, I've created a small gem "serve" which makes it extremely easy for a Web Designer to get up and running with Haml and Sass:
$ sudo gem install haml redcloth bluecloth serve
$ cd ~/Workspaces/prototype
$ ls . *
prototype.js dialogs.js tabset.js
application.sass dialogs.sass
$ serve
[2007-09-25 02:11:42] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2007-09-25 02:11:42] INFO ruby 1.8.5 (2006-12-25)
[2007-09-25 02:11:42] INFO Serve::Server#start: pid=1626 port=3000
And voila! I can now access the files in ~/Workspaces/prototype at:
Serve isn't just a HAML or SASS server. With the proper gems it can also handle Textile and Markdown (not to mention plain Jane HTML!).
Serve also plays nicely with Rails. If you have a file named "script/server" in the current directory, Serve will execute that script instead of launching the normal WEBrick server.
Complete usage information is available with:
$ serve --help
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